Honesty is the virtue of refusing to fake the facts of reality.
They say that lies has different faces and truth has only one face, there are different ways to fake the facts like not saying the complete truth, however i wont be getting into details of what is dishonesty im sure most of you are aware of the different ways of dishonesty.
Dishonesty can damage alot it can damage trust it can damage relationships and it can damage a whole village, we're all aware of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" what we learn from this story is that lies can do destruction in the future so no matter how much you lie and how continuesly you do it, lying can never save you from another lie. So all this lying and promises we been getting will definitely burst some day, what im worried about is that we dont need more psychological issue's in our society any way im not going to speak about the different promises and lies ill get into this some other time.
Going back to "The Truth has only one face and lies has different faces" and the truth shows to have more than one face, there is goverment truth parliament truth liberal truth, islamist truth, and so on. We all seen what happened to 'Jwaihel' when he revealed some truth on the media no body appreciates dissent now its regarded as an imperative that the media should be "undercontrol" reasonably, ofcourse. Im not defending or justifying what Mohammed Jwaihil did, however there are different views throughout Kuwaits Parliament and certainly withen public opinion and this is and should be reflected in the media.
Different groups can have their own views and truths, But journalism must remain their agenda- to report the truth as they see it, no matter how many uncomfortable truths there maybe. That is their role.
The rope of lying is too short.
ReplyDeleteLiteral translation for "7abil ilchithb igseer'.